Creating a Customer Return Receipt

Once a customer return is approved it can be received at the designated receiving warehouse. The warehouse operative receipts the returned items arriving at the receiving warehouse.

To create a receipt for a customer return:

  1. Click the Receipts tab.
  2. Click New.
  3. Select CRET Receipt from the receipt type drop-down list.
  4. Select the customer return you want to receive from the customer return lookup.
  5. Click Continue.
  6. Select the customer return lines you want to receive.
  7. [Optional] Update the quantity received field with the new value as required.
  8. Click Create Receipt.

The customer return lookup field only displays approved customer returns.


If the quantity you receive is for the remaining customer return line quantity, leave the default value unchanged. If the quantity you receive is for less than the remaining customer return line quantity, enter the revised quantity. The default value for the Quantity Received field is the To Return value minus Actual Quantity Returned value. This is the remaining customer return line quantity that has not yet been received.

The customer return status will update to "Received" when all the lines have been received.

Selecting Serial Numbers for a Customer Return Receipt

If any items on the customer return are serialized items, a serial number selection page opens after you click Create Receipt.

You can select the required serial numbers as follows:

  1. For the first customer return line, select the received serial numbers from the Available Serial Numbers list.
  2. Click Right arrow to add them to the Selected Serial Numbers list.
  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each of the customer return lines.
  4. Click Save.
Tip: When selecting the serial numbers for the CRET receipt, click Right arrow to add serial numbers to the Selected Serial Number list, or click Left arrow to remove them from this list and place them back in the Available Serial Number list. If you need to remove all the serial numbers from the Selected Serial Number list, click Clear Serial Numbers.